How To Write A Novel

The utterly epic How to Write a Novel by Holly Lisle is open again, for a few days only. And this is the last time it will ever be available at the early bird price.

So if you’ve ever thought you might want to write a novel, but didn’t know where to start, or how to middle, or when to end… this is the class for you.

Check it out now before time is up!

Note that this is an affiliate link. I will receive compensation if you purchase through this link, but it won’t cost you anything extra. And, as always, I only recommend things that I use and believe in. If you take this class and follow through, you will learn how to write a novel. Full stop.

Ends Monday April 8, 2019 10:00:00 pm ET

Shouldn’t I be writing?

Really I should print this out and keep a copy right by my desk at all times…. as a reminder.

Yes, that’s the reason. It’s a reminder.

Work In Progress!

El cinco invertido


For the first time in quite a while, I have a work in progress! I am working on a piece of fiction that is actually keeping me interested. It’s only a short story, but even as I’m writing it, I am intrigued by it. I can’t wait to find out what’s next! Is that weird coming from the author?

This particular piece is meant for the HTTS student anthology that is coming out later this year. If you are a member of any of Holly’s classes , you are eligible to submit a short story of up to 2500 words for consideration. The theme of the anthology is, “The Adventure of Creating.”

All the story rules and submission guidelines are on the forum, and you must be a verifiable member of her classes to participate, which means if you’re buying the standalone lessons from Amazon, B&N, iBooks, or in her online store, you’ll need a minimum of a general (free) membership on the forum and you’ll have to indicate which class(es) you’re taking. But if you aren’t already working on something, please note that the deadline for submission is in less than 2 weeks. If you’re going to write something, you better write fast!

And since I’m talking about it, I may as well offer a brief taste of what I’m doing. This is the freewriting snippet that came out of some mind mapping and sucked me in to the story I’m working on…

It all started in a cave, in the dark. Really, really dark. You know how the sun can make your eyes hurt on a bright day? That’s what this darkness was like. It just closed in and my eyes hurt from the strain of trying to see… something… anything….

Anyway, that’s what I’m doing right now.

What are you doing? Any works in progress? Any huge eureka moments in your writing? Inquiring minds want to know!


Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling

As a writer, one of the most important things I do is to keep on learning. I’m part of an online community where I learn from both a published writer who is sharing her knowledge, and from the cross-pollination of interacting with others who are pursuing writing. I have a pretty good personal library of books about writing. And, of course, I have a Google and I know how to use it.

The internet is a treasure trove of information. Much of it is even useful. 😉 The World Wide Web is my primary go-to source when I’m looking for specific information.

So it stands to reason that I’m not above shamelessly pointing at something interesting, funny, or just plain smart that’s worth reading on the internet and saying, “go read this.”

Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling happens to meet all three of those criteria.


Go read this.