We all want to “just know” what we’re supposed to do with our lives, for our purpose to be spelled out, but that’s not how life works.
The reality is that we have to do the work, but we also have to pay attention to the lessons life is teaching us.
Your vocation is not something you just discover one day. It’s something that’s been there all along.
That’s the theme of a free ebook that you can get here:
It features Michael Hyatt, Seth Godin, Bob Goff, Jeff Goins, Emily Freeman, Pat Flynn, Wm. Paul Young, Frank Viola, and other top writers, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders.
They share the surprises of success…information that ultimately might help you find your own definition of success. Don’t be surprised if it’s not what you think it will be.
You are not alone on this journey. These leaders have been right where you are, so go grab the free ebook right now:
My hope is that as you read it, you take away some important points about what it means to find meaningful work in this world. The process was surprising for these all-stars. Maybe the same will be true for you, too. Get it now!
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